MSI 957-17H12E-115 Dual Power Box

MSI Original
Out of stockThis article is EOL (End of Life) and not longer available.What does EOL mean?
Unfortunately there are no alternative products.

Substitute part numbers:

K39-3001191-V03, 95717H12E115

Two power supplies can be connected to this dual power box in order to obtain higher performance.

Product note

This product is EOL (End of Life)

Item Number
K39-3001191-V03, 95717H12E115,
Sicherheits- & Herstellerkontakt-Informationen
Condition: new
Excerpt of suitable models for P/N 957-17H12E-115
MSI GT76 Titan 9SF/9SG/10SF/10SG (MS-17H2) , MSI GT76 Titan DT 10SF/10SFS (MS-17H3) , MSI GT76 Titan DT 10SG/10SGS (MS-17H3) , MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SF/9SFS (MS-17H1) , MSI GT76 Titan DT 9SG/9SGS (MS-17H1)

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