Intel SSDSC2KB960GSL, SM17A06246
ThinkSystem 2.5" Intel S4510 960GB Entry SATA 6Gb Hot Swap SSD
Compatibility with the following Lenovo models:
1S Intel V1
ST250 (7Y45 / 7Y46)
2S Intel V1
R250 (7Y52 / 7Y51)
ST550 (7X09 / 7X10)
SR530 (7X07 / 7X08)
SR550 (7X03 / 7X04)
SR570 (7Y02 / 7Y03)
SR590 (7X98 / 7X99)
SR630 (7X01 / 7X02)
SR650 (7X05 / 7X06)
2S Intel V2
ST650 V2 (7Z75 / 7Z74)
SR630 V2 (7Z70 / 7Z71)
SR650 V2 (7Z72 / 7Z73)
SR670 V2 (7Z22 / 7Z23)
SR635 (7Y98 / 7Y99)
SR655 (7Y00 / 7Z01)
SR645 (7D2Y / 7D2X)
SR665 (7D2W / 7D2V)
Dense V1
SD530 (7X21
SN550 (7X16)
SN850 (7X15)
Dense V2
SN550 V2 (7Z69)
4S V1
SR850 (7X18 / 7X19)
SR850P (7D2F / 2D2G)
SR860 (7X69 / 7X70)
4S V2
SR850 V2 (7D31 / 7D32)
SR860 V2 (7Z59 / 7Z60)
SR950 (7X11 / 7X1)
For a detailed feature list, see Lenovo's product page
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