Free Fujitsu laptop review if the power supply purchase has not achieved the desired result.
You are unsure whether buying a new Fujitsu power supply will make your laptop work again? In case of a defective charging circuit a new power supply will not solve the problem - what now?
When buying from our IPC shop, we therefore offer you twofold security: on the one hand, return options are extended to a complete 30 days and free of charge; on the other hand, you can send in your laptop for repair and we will eliminate the technical defect quickly and inexpensively. By purchasing the power supply, your fault analysis and repair will be prioritized and our technicians will take care of the problem solution immediately after receiving your device. And there is also a double bottom: If you decide against a repair, there will be no further costs for the estimate and for the return!
You can find more details here: IPC Computer Solution Promise